Victor David Sarkibaka

I am a data analyst proficient in SQL, Tableau, PowerBI, Excel, and Python. I possess strong analytical skills and expertise in extracting valuable insights from data.
Click to view my github and other IT projects.

Customer Churn Prediction

This project aims to predict customer churn in a telecommunications company. Customer churn refers to the phenomenon where customers switch to a different service provider or stop using a service altogether.
By predicting churn, the company can take proactive measures to retain customers and reduce revenue loss.

Nashville Housing Data-Cleaning in

The project focuses on tasks such as standardizing the sale date format, populating missing property address data, breaking out the address into individual columns, changing values in a specific field, and removing duplicates from the dataset.
These data cleaning operations, ensures that the data is accurate, consistent, and ready for further analysis.

Analysis of COVID-19 Cases and

The "Analysis of COVID-19 Cases and Vaccinations" project focuses on analyzing data related to COVID-19 cases and vaccinations. The project utilizes two datasets: CovidDeaths$ and CovidVaccinations$ from the PortFolioProjects database.
The objective is to gain insights into the global impact of the pandemic, including total cases, total deaths, death percentages, population percentages affected, and vaccination progress.

Cryptocurrency Data Analysis and

This project focuses on retrieving and analyzing cryptocurrency data from the CoinMarketCap API. The data is collected periodically and stored in a CSV file for further analysis.
The project involves automating data collection, performing statistical calculations on the data, and visualizing the results using plots.

Jumia Web Scrapper and
Price Tracker

The Jumia Shirt Scrapper and Price Tracker project aims to scrape product information from the Jumia Nigeria website and track the prices of men's shirts over time.
The project utilizes web scraping techniques to extract relevant data from the website and stores it in a CSV file. Additionally, it includes a price tracking feature that periodically checks for updates in the product's price and appends the new data to the CSV file.
The project demonstrates proficiency in web scraping, data storage, and basic price tracking functionality.